Walk to France 2019

AoS (Stella Maris) in Jersey held their annual 'walk to France' fundraising event on May 6.
              The weather was kind, a little chilly but all in all it was a success as always.
              Huge thanks to our fantastic team in Jersey for organising it and to all who so kindly donated very generously.
              Monies collected will go to AoS (80%) and the Knights of St Columba Charity Fund (20%).
              The star of the whole event was of course Mr Jimmy Spriggs, who at 70 years of age walked the whole 18 laps and was the Walk's super fund raiser (raising at least 1/3 of total income of over £2,000.)
              Huge thanks Jimmy!
AoS volunteers Terry Brown and Peter Farrell with Jimmy Spriggs
AoS volunteers Terry Brown and Peter Farrell with Jimmy Spriggs 
Walk to France organised by AoS Jersey
Margaret Lynes, and Terry Brown, Catholic Dean of Jersey and Island Parish Priest Cannon
Dominic Golding, Fr. Benjamin Theodore, Volunteers Peter Farrell and Peter Bewers 
Jimmy Spriggs 70 year old walk super fund raiser for the Walk to France
 Jimmy Spriggs 70 year old walk super fund raiser for the walk 