Seafarer leaves legacy to AoS

Apostleship of the Sea were most humble recipients following the passing of a long-serving Scottish seafarer. 
              The funeral of Denis Sullivan took place recently in Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church, Dunfermline, where Fr Kevin Dow conducted the service. 
              Afterwards, there was a retiral collection in the Fife coastal parish from which the proceeds were shared between AoS and St Vincent De Paul, with the seafaring charity receiving a very generous cheque for £300. 
              Denis’ surviving wife, Jenny, is pictured with Deacon Joe O’Donnell, Senior Regional Port Chaplain for Scotland, at Grangemouth Seafaring Centre where container ships arrive on a regular basis. 
              Joe said, “We’re so grateful to Denis’ family for their kindness. He was a seafarer for such a long time and obviously recognised the work of Apostleship of the Sea.”
              * Details about leaving a Legacy to Aos can be found here.
Deacon Joe with Jenny, wife of the late seafarer Denis Sullivan
