Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) has produced a booklet about St Peter Claver (1581-1654), patron Saint of seafarers, and a major inspiration to the charity.
The booklet is being sent to all AoS supporters in time for St Peter’s feast day on 9th September. (The booklet can be downloaded here)
Peter was a Spanish Jesuit priest. At the age of 30, he sailed to Cartagena in Colombia, where he worked for 44 years caring for the thousands of slaves who made the horrific sea journey from West Africa.
Every day, after spending time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, he would go with a small group of helpers to meet each slave ship as it arrived and tend to the slaves calming them and bringing them medicine, food and clothing; dressing their sores; and doing everything he could to alleviate their immense sufferings.
But most of all, Peter brought them to God, teaching them the truths of the faith and explaining that God loved them more than man abused them.
Peter’s legacy lives on in the work of Apostleship of the Sea’s Port Chaplains, ship visitors and volunteers as they reach out to those in need of friendship and material support in the name of the Catholic Church – and above all offering the gift of the Sacraments and the Gospel.
His spirit of selfless service also manifests itself in those generous individuals and communities that give of their time, prayer and money to support the Apostleship of the Sea.
In September 2017, Pope Francis visited Cartagena in Colombia and prayed at the tomb of St Peter.
Pope Francis said the legacy of the Spanish priest should serve as a model for the Catholic Church today to "promote the dignity of all our brothers and sisters, particularly the poor and the excluded of society, those who are abandoned, immigrants and those who suffer violence and human trafficking."
AoS has established the League of St Peter, giving honorary membership to those who support Apostleship of the Sea with a gift in their Will.
After providing for their loved ones, supporters are encouraged to consider leaving a proportion of what is left to AoS.
Any gift, large or small, helps support seafarers and their families, thus continuing the remarkable legacy of St Peter Claver.
To get a hardcopy of the booklet please contact AoS Legacy Officer Alastair Emblem by email [email protected] or telephone 0207 901 1931
For more information about leaving a gift in your Will to AoS follow this link, or contact AoS on 0207 901 1931.
To download the booklet click here.